REST Specification Index

The REST API provides a simple way to modify the state of the connection tracker without having to listen for events over a websocket connection. Generally speaking these operations are done syncronously with the request as oppose to the asyncronous nature of Websockets. For example a call to /_irc/connections/$server/open will not complete until a connection has been opened or has failed to open.


All endpoints require an access token to be used. The access token should be provided in the Authorization header in the format Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN but can be specified as a query parameter under the access_token field.


Errors are sent with a standard format of

Parameter Type Description
errcode string A standard error code given below.
irc_reason string An optional reason string.


    errcode: “IC_FAILED”,
    irc_reason: “err_banned” (or some other failure error)
ERRCODE Typical Reason
IC_MISSING_PARAM Parameter(s) were missing from your request.
IC_MISSING_TOKEN You haven’t specificed your authentication token.
IC_BAD_TOKEN The authentication token was wrong.
IC_NOT_IN_CONFIG The server you requested was not found in the config.
IC_TIMEOUT The operation timed out
IC_FAILURE Generic failure, check the reason.
IC_CLIENT_NOT_FOUND You tried to do something with a client that wasn’t found.
IC_CONNECTION_LIMIT The connection limit for that server has been reached.
IC_COMMAND_NOT_RECOGNISED The websocket command wasn’t recognised.